Wednesday, December 3, 2008


A very pleasant day here in SoCal. One of the things I like living here is the weather. It's hard to beat. I can look out into the back yard from my desk. The lawn is green, oranges on our tree. Just very nice for December. Our neighbor has a ton of decorations in their front yard. Ours is decoration free as of now. I suppose we will put up some lights pretty soon. Maybe a few other things. Hate to be the only one on the block without any Christmas display.

I remember being in Germany one Christmas. A buddy of mine was from San Jose, CA his mother sent him some tamales. He got a big tin can from the mess hall and a Sterno candle. With this he steamed the tamales. He shared them with me. They were good. Since then I like to have a few tamales every once in a while. That memory always comes back. But the tamales never taste as good. Maybe I just think those tamales were good because they were from his home.

Tonight I am trying my hand at making a turkey pot pie. Still have lots of left over bird. Got the recipe from the food network web site.(how's that for progress) When I told JP that was going to be dinner see looked at me in doubt. Maybe I will have beginners luck.

Take care.


RedRed said...

I like the army stories, Dad!

Good luck with your turkey pot pie. Let us know how it turns out.


Kteach said...

It was very good, I even had it today for lunch at school :)