So many things going on in the world. With the internet we are in and instant news world. If somebody sneezes in any part of the world we know about it right away. Whatever happens any where in the world, it affects us. (USA)Every one and his brother has and opinion on things. In the "old days" we might not hear about and event for a few days. Now it gets posted, blogged about and discussed for a nano second, then there is something new. This is the time for real leadership in this country and the world.
When I was younger there were many things I wanted to accomplish. As I got older I began to realize what I could actually do. As time went on I found what I enjoyed and could be effective doing. Some times you have to go through several stages to find your peace of mind. I once heard about a man who was feeling sorry for himself. All he had to eat was fruit from dumpster's, then he looked back and there was a man eating what he wouldn't eat. Look at yourself. Be a better person. Find something in your life that brings you contentment. Enlarge that. Be thankful you are alive. Embrace being on this earth. Your time here is what you make of it. Your burden in life can be heavy or light. That is a choice you can make.
Good night.
Very wise words that comes from age and the wisdom you gain on your life path.
Yes, the world is turning faster and faster it seems and as you say, you instantly know and even can watch it in realtime. Sometimes I don't know if that is a good thing or not.
Take care all of you and big hugs for you all
from Mia :-)
I should send this to Norbert!
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