Wednesday, March 5, 2014

#15 2014

A very good rain we had last week.  Still below the normal rainfall but it helped a lot.  Our raining season ends  last of March.  This weekend the forecast is temps in 80's.

Saw a movie today on TV called "Wooly Boys" liked it a lot.

The solar battery charger seems to be doing the job.  Been about 10 days since I started the ssr and it fired right off.

Our patio swing needs a new top cover.  The problem is we can not find a replacement cover.  To remove the top frame and have one made is and option but maybe more expensive than a new swing.  We will need to check into this and make a descion soon.  It is pleasant to sit in the swing and enjoy the garden and the birds.

We are well and looking forward to a visit from Mia.

Take care.

1 comment:

emtes said...

I really enjoy reading about your day-to-day life :-) It's so nice and I can almost picture the garden and everything you describe.
I hope you are better from the sting now!
Here we have had the worst snow of this season!! And it's suppose to be springtime now. Maybe you saw the photos on my blog.
I'm really looking forward to coming over and it's not long now. I have a cold that I'm trying really hard to get well from.
Take care and see you soon.
Hugs :-)