Friday, May 22, 2015

2015 #1

What a day.  I was scheduled to have a skin cancer treatment called the "Blue Light".  I was told there might be some pain involved.  They were wrong when the used the word might.  The treatment was supposed to last 15 minutes.  After the first minute I asked the nurse to stop.  Waited about one minute then began again.  This was repeated three for four times.  The nurse was spraying water on my face during the treatment.  After 7 minutes I called a halt to the treatment.  Wow did it hurt. 

My face looks like I have a sunburn, and is still tingling.  In June I am scheduled to have my arms done.  Not looking forward to the treatment.

Use sun screen, take care of your skin when you are young.

Take care.  Be kind.

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

Oh no! So sorry to hear that it was so painful! Were they able to finish the face treatment?