Thursday, November 10, 2016

#18 Post election

With the election just over, there are many who are unhappy with the results.  Mostly those on the left.  When Obama won the election there were many on the right who were unhappy.  Their behavior was very different than what we are seeing now from the left.  It was accepted and we moved on.  Many of the laws and executive orders we did not agree with.  Court cases were filed and lawful actions were taken to remedy the situation.  I agree the left has a right to protest.  Blocking traffic, destroying property, and civil disobedience only tend to defeat the purpose.  As we transition through this change in leadership, be tolerant and understanding of your fellow American.  To many things are taken in 140 charters or less.  Look at platform positions, read the pro's and con's.  Educate your self on the issues.  Claims can be made without the facts. 


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