Sunday, October 22, 2017

# 39 Dreams

I not talking about dreams you have while sleeping.  Maybe I should call them aspirations.  The ability to visualize a project of some kind.  Building a cabinet for your house, or building a planter box.  I have been a dreamer most of my life.  The dreams didn't always come out the way I thought they would.  Some were successful others not so much.  The point being I took the chance to make my dream real.  As time has passed and I am older the dreams of building things has faded.  All I have left is the memories of those projects.  I have been recalling some of those projects lately.  They were not world changing, but made my work or life a little better.  They don't show much, but looking back I feel a sense of satisfaction for having fulfilled some of those dreams.

We have a 10 year old pickup which we bought new.  The mileage is low but the age of the hoses and wires have started to concern me.  It is our primary vehicle, because the Mustang is to low for me to get in and out.  I have been dreaming of a new small SUV something like a Ford Escape.  Something that size.  You get a new vehicle that fits our purpose now, and a warranty on the vehicle.  As of now I have not been able to convince my better half that this would be a good decision.  So I will let things be as they are.  Maybe she is correct.

Dreamers take a chance do something you have thought about.

1 comment:

Kteach said...

I wish I had read this post before !