Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Today is a special day. My youngest was born. I was recalling memories this morning. They were good memories. November in Jerome, ID could be cold, and it was chilly but a good fall day. I took S to a friends house while I took JP to the hospital. Later that day I was blessed with another lovely daughter. That little girl has grown into a wonderful woman. She is still bringing me joy. As I look back over the years so many moments come to mind. As I sort thru these thoughts not one is unhappy. I always loved my girls and enjoyed their company. 4-H and dog shows, basketball in elementary school. Tennis and basketball in High school. The day I drove L to college and found it so hard to say goodbye in the parking lot. I am very emotional about my family. My wife, daughters and grandson are the joy of my life. I hope they understand how special they are to me. Happy b-day L. Love you.

T's visit is about over. I have really enjoyed having him here. We have hung out and just been pleased with each other. S is arriving tomorrow in the am. L is driving up in the pm. Friday they have planned a day at Disneyland. I will not be going, to long a day for me.

Take care.

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