Sunday, November 23, 2008


The month of November is going so fast. It has been a busy time. T has been visiting here for 21 days. We had a good time. I enjoyed his company very much. I will miss him. He is so mature at times but still inocent. He is just great. We used the SSR on our shopping trips, for groceries and of course some shopping for T. He had several places he wanted to go look for things. Being a soft touch(according to JP) he usually got something. T was always polite and thanked me. He also would give me a few days to recover. He like's riding in the SSR and wanted to put the top down. We did a few times. We played Horse a few times in the back yard and to his suprise I won most of the time. He said he was going easy on me. It will take a few days to get used to him going home.

Thanksgiving is this week. When we lived in ID it signaled the end of another year. The fields were frozen so our work was done till spring. When we moved to CA that all changed. Now that I am re-tired I am falling back to the time in ID. Time to look back over the year and be thankful. Health and family. The trips and experience of life. Happy Thanksgiving.

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