Monday, February 10, 2014

#10 2014

He said let there be light and there was light.  Just recently received a hanging pendant lamp to put over my desk.  Now I can see the keyboard very well.  As flexible as Jo and I are it was not and easy install.  But it works great.

Our tax man come to our house today to prepare the 2013 tax returns.  In about 1954 I remember my Dad telling my mother they made $5000 that year.  Now for 2013 that's how much we have to pay the IRS.  85% of our social security income is taxed.  We paid taxes on that money when we earned it, now we have to pay more taxes on that money.  Don't seem right to me.  I get grumpy around tax time every year.

Should have a happy place to go too.

Northern CA is getting some rain and snow.  Much needed.  Saw and interview on Saturday about the drought in CA.  There is a little fish in the delta called the Delta Smelt.  They tend to get caught up in the pumping plants which pumps water to the central valley and SoCal.  To save the little critters they have turned off the pumps and are sending 800000 acre feet of water into San Fran Bay and on to the ocean.  So when you have to pay $5 for a head of lettuce remember the Delta Smelt is enjoying his life thanks to you.

Valentines day is Friday.  What are you going to do?  Get a Hallmark card?  Is this a real day or just a made up day for commerce?  Flowers, candy, teddy bears, and God knows what else.

Have to give a shout out to Mia.  She is planning a trip to here.  Be great  to see her again and have her company.

Take care all, hug some one.

1 comment:

Kteach said...

I'm not fond of tax time either!