Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day Greetings To All

Happy Holidays everyone!!!!!!!!!!!
I had a very good Christmas. Family from CA and L and Han. Enjoyed the company.

Have a safe and Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, December 20, 2008

Merry Christmas

The season is here and we are all filled with cheer. Oh my what a year. So many things happened. A new President Elect, what a shock to the KKK. The near collapse of Wall Street, the Auto makers, and houseing was already there. It is hard to pay $3000.00 a month house payments when your income is $4000.00. When the air is relased from the ballon things get crazy. My mother-in-law always said, "Moderation is the key".

JP and I are going on a mini vacation for a couple of days. Looking forward to the trip. I have not been out in the country on the open road for some time. When I was driving for a living I enjoyed out of town trips. In Idaho sometimes I would be gone for a week. Here in CA it was just a night or two. I remember a trip from Id to CO. Across WY on I-80 in the winter time. Snowing and blowing. Very cold. Ice would freeze on the under carraige of the truck and the trailer. I would step on the brakes and there was none. Ice was so thick on the brake arms the air pressure would not move them. That was a scary moment. I was in a motel one night and had a dream that I was inside the trailer while the truck was moving down the highway without a driver. I woke up in the middle of the night with the head board of the bed across my body. I had pulled the headboard off the wall in my sleep trying to get out of the trailer I suppose.

Watching the news reports about the snow and cold in the mid-west and back east makes me appreciate the weather here in SoCal all the more. A lot of traffic and people to deal with but Mother Nature simles on us a lot. I dream of retiring to a warm sunny location, then I wake up and here I am.

To all that are traveling over the holidays be safe. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


A very pleasant day here in SoCal. One of the things I like living here is the weather. It's hard to beat. I can look out into the back yard from my desk. The lawn is green, oranges on our tree. Just very nice for December. Our neighbor has a ton of decorations in their front yard. Ours is decoration free as of now. I suppose we will put up some lights pretty soon. Maybe a few other things. Hate to be the only one on the block without any Christmas display.

I remember being in Germany one Christmas. A buddy of mine was from San Jose, CA his mother sent him some tamales. He got a big tin can from the mess hall and a Sterno candle. With this he steamed the tamales. He shared them with me. They were good. Since then I like to have a few tamales every once in a while. That memory always comes back. But the tamales never taste as good. Maybe I just think those tamales were good because they were from his home.

Tonight I am trying my hand at making a turkey pot pie. Still have lots of left over bird. Got the recipe from the food network web site.(how's that for progress) When I told JP that was going to be dinner see looked at me in doubt. Maybe I will have beginners luck.

Take care.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Thanksgiving is past now the Christmas season is upon us. JP and I had a very nice turkey day. Just the two of us but very pleasant. It was comforting to know the family was having a good day with friends and other family. We all talked and wished good things. I enjoyed my dinner and the time with JP. Drinking a little bubbly from Spain.

Today is a very nice day. JP and I will take the SSR and drive down to the beach for lunch. A short walk on the pier and cruising PCH. Not warm enough to have the top down, maybe?

When I was younger there were old guys in sporty cars and I said why? Now I am and old guy with a sporty car and I say why not. Happy motoring!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a good day.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


The month of November is going so fast. It has been a busy time. T has been visiting here for 21 days. We had a good time. I enjoyed his company very much. I will miss him. He is so mature at times but still inocent. He is just great. We used the SSR on our shopping trips, for groceries and of course some shopping for T. He had several places he wanted to go look for things. Being a soft touch(according to JP) he usually got something. T was always polite and thanked me. He also would give me a few days to recover. He like's riding in the SSR and wanted to put the top down. We did a few times. We played Horse a few times in the back yard and to his suprise I won most of the time. He said he was going easy on me. It will take a few days to get used to him going home.

Thanksgiving is this week. When we lived in ID it signaled the end of another year. The fields were frozen so our work was done till spring. When we moved to CA that all changed. Now that I am re-tired I am falling back to the time in ID. Time to look back over the year and be thankful. Health and family. The trips and experience of life. Happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Today is a special day. My youngest was born. I was recalling memories this morning. They were good memories. November in Jerome, ID could be cold, and it was chilly but a good fall day. I took S to a friends house while I took JP to the hospital. Later that day I was blessed with another lovely daughter. That little girl has grown into a wonderful woman. She is still bringing me joy. As I look back over the years so many moments come to mind. As I sort thru these thoughts not one is unhappy. I always loved my girls and enjoyed their company. 4-H and dog shows, basketball in elementary school. Tennis and basketball in High school. The day I drove L to college and found it so hard to say goodbye in the parking lot. I am very emotional about my family. My wife, daughters and grandson are the joy of my life. I hope they understand how special they are to me. Happy b-day L. Love you.

T's visit is about over. I have really enjoyed having him here. We have hung out and just been pleased with each other. S is arriving tomorrow in the am. L is driving up in the pm. Friday they have planned a day at Disneyland. I will not be going, to long a day for me.

Take care.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


This blog thing is pretty cool. You write things down not really knowing who or if anyone is reading them. I know or should I say expect certain people will read these words. But I find what I write is more for me than anyone in particular.

T and I were out and about yesterday. We stopped at one of T's favorite places. Panda Express. Orange chicken is his choice food from their menu. We elected to sit outside by a fountain and have our lunch. We talked about a variety of subjects, just enjoying the nice weather and each others company. There was only a couple of other diners in the out door area. One was a young man eating alone several tables away. When he finished he walked by our table and inquired if T was my grandson. I replied yes. He commented how nice it was that we were spending time together, that he wished he could have spent more time with his grandfather. I agree totally. I enjoy so very much the time T and I share together. He is such a wonderful person. I am very lucky to be able to share this time with him. The great thing is we enjoy each others company.

I read L's blog today and was surprised at how she described my writing. It's nice to hear. I am so proud of my daughters. They are very good people. In my mind they will always be my little girls. Now I get to see them as adults. Life is good.

Take care have a great day.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Last night as T and I were watching the news they had a story about the toy hall of fame. They were putting a stick in the hall of fame. That brought back memories of how as a kid in OK we played with stick horses. Not the kind made by a toy company, but a real stick we got from the woods. We would tie some string on the end we called the head as bridle reins. Some more string for a mane. We would play cowboy, happy as a cow in clover. Our imagination and simple things were all we needed. We lived on a share crop farm just down the hill from my Mom's parents. There was a field between the two houses. They grew corn, cotton, and watermelons in this field. I was about 5 years old. Mom and I would walk through this field to visit Dad and Ma M. I had a pair of cowboy boots without any soles, just the tops. I would get my stick horse and my cowboy boots and away we went. I remember going to town riding on a wagon load of cotton picked by hand from the fields my Dad farmed. The wagon was pulled by a team of horses. We drove to the cotton gin in town so the cotton could be ginned and prepared for sale. My Dad did all his farm work with horse and mules. Our house used kerosene in the lamps for light, wood for cooking and heat. Water was hand drawn from a hand dug well in the yard. No indoor plumbing, out house out back. Years later we lived in California and my Dad kinda wanted to move back to OK but my Mom was not willing. I can see now why she didn't want to move back. Her life in OK was very hard, compared to what she had in CA. I have told the story about being born in a log cabin with a dirt floor. I didn't know any different. As a kid that was all I knew. My parent's worked hard to provide food and shelter for their family. That was my world. Nothing to compare it with. I was happy, we were happy.

When I was six we moved from OK to CA. More about that later.

Friday, November 7, 2008


Wow what the last two weeks have been. The Bell's Pasly is much better. A visit to the doc on Tuesday said things were coming along fine on that front. However the recent x-ray of my knee revealed my bone was thin. So now I will have a bone survey to see if all the bones are thinning.

My daughter from SLC came down and brought T for a visit while he is off track. He and I have been having a good time. While S was here we did a trip to see BH do a show in the Altadena. I really enjoyed the show. JP, S, L, T, and me all together. It was great. BH do a great job. I so admire people who have a talent such as they have. It was a very pleasant evening. I got to share it with people I care a great deal for.

Tuesday was election day. I am a McCain supporter, so was disappointed that he was defeated. However the choice has been made and now we need to support the new president elect. I wish him the best, and hope he will be a good leader.

God bless America.

Monday, October 27, 2008

#2 Do over

Yesterday I posted a title named "Fan Club" as I was going to the writing section I hit a key and suddenly it was posted. I didn't know how to correct the thing, so today is "do over".

By fan club I was referring to the comments from three people very close and dear to me. They know who they are. Thanks for the support.

Today was a good day. I worked in the yard a little, had some items I no longer needed hauled away. I am feeling ok and the left side of my face is working better. Received a phone call from my younger sister this evening. She and her family are ok. Her sons were asking about my health so she called to talk awhile. They live 30 miles from me but we don't see each other that often. Different schedules, and they are busy with their own lives. Still there is concern and caring between us.

I was thinking the other day how you know somebody for a long time. I am talking about family. I have known my kids all their lives. They have only known me since I was 26 and 31 respectively. I have told them some stories about me before they were born. But you get sidetracked with just living. I hope at some point I can remember and share with them some of the things from my younger days. I enjoy telling my grandson T some stories about the things I have done.

Several years ago I traveled with my mom, sister, and brother to a family reunion (my Dad's side). Some of my Dad's brother's and sisters were still living. My brother and I would set for hours listening to stories our uncle's would tell about when they were growing up. My brother is kinda a family history nut and he has written down some of the stories. Me I just enjoyed hearing them and learning something about my Dad before I knew him. My Dad was a kind and gentle man who loved the family he was born into. He also loved and enjoyed the family him and Mom made. Our girls were his first grand kids. He loved to have them visit. When we lived many miles apart he always looked forward to having the girls for a week or two in the summer. Christmas at Mom and Dad's house has more meaning to me now, because I am Dad. It is a great feeling when the kids come home to share a holiday or weekend. I am very blessed to have such a wonderful family.

Well enough for tonight.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

#1, Getting started

Just getting started on this blog thing. Hope it will give me a chance to express some thoughts. Relate some experience that I have had. Maybe tell some amusing stories, also some from the heart.

I am retired and enjoy retirement a lot. It seems there is always something going on. Yard work, small repairs, or improvements on the house. This past week there was a big repair needed. Beyond my scope. Our old galvanized water pipe was in bad shape, leaking in a couple of joints. Just in bad shape period. So we (JP my wife) bite the bullet and had the old pipe replaced with hard copper pipe. The guys knew what they were doing and did a great job.

I was planning a trip to WVC, UT to visit our daughter S and her husband MT, also our grandson T. On the morning I was to leave I woke up with the left side of my face numb. A visit to the ER and they said I had Bell's Palsy. No trip to WVC. Our daughter who lives in SD (L) came up to spend the weekend. Good to have her visit. We just spent the day taking things easy and catching up.

Share some more thoughts and happenings later.