Friday, January 17, 2014

#3 2014

Summer time temp's here today.  Very warm  but very nice.  Went out to start the SSR the other day but the battery was dead.  I have a portable battery jumper pack, but it is hard for me to connect to the positive termal(the battery in in the rear of the vehicle under the bed) so Chev put some connections up front in the engine compartment.  But still the positive connection is in a small plastic box that has very little room.  So today Jo and I got the jumper system out and with her help we were able to get it started.  This weekend I am going to purchase a solar powered charger.  You place it on the dash and connect thru the lighter.  It is smiley to maintain a fully charged battery.  Hope it works.

Talked to Dewey today.  He met the people who want to buy the walnut orchard he takes care of.  They want him to manage and take care of the orchard for one or two years.  He told them he would do the job for one year, then see how he feels.  If OK he will do the second year.  He had been hoping he could get at least one more year.  Hope all works out for him.

Been such low humidity that my hand are dry and cracking.  I put lotion on several times a day but still.  Saw and add for some hand cream, if I can remember the name I will get some this weekend.

Did the Jazz draft a good player in Trey B. or what?  Go Jazz.


1 comment:

RedRed said...

Trey Burke is awesome! He had a great game tonight in Detroit :)